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System Status

Teach Jupyter Hub Scheduler File system
External Network Globus

Fri 2 Aug 2019 10:00AM - 2:00PM There will be a reduction of upto 2/3 of the Niagara compute nodes during this time period. System will operate normally, however job queue time will be longer due to the reduction in available resources.

Thu 1 Aug 2019 5:00:00 PM Systems are up and operational.

Thu 1 Aug 2019 7:00:00 AM: Scheduled Downtime Maintenance of the SciNet Datacenter. All systems will be down and unavailable starting 7am until the evening.

Fri 26 Jul 2019, 16:02:26 EDT: There was an issue with the Burst Buffer at around 3PM, and it was recently solved. BB is OK again.

Thu 30 May 2019, 11:00:00 PM: Niagara maintenance finished. Some action on the part of users will be required when they first connect again to a Niagara login nodes or datamovers. This is due to the security upgrade of the Niagara cluster, which is now in line with currently accepted best practices. The details of the required actions can be found on the SSH Changes in May 2019 wiki page.

Fri 5 Apr 2019 Software updates on Niagara: The default CCEnv software stack now uses avx512 on Niagara, and there is now a NiaEnv/2019b stack ("epoch").

Thu 4 Apr 2019 The 2019 compute and storage allocations have taken effect on Niagara.

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