The STAR-CCM+ engineering simulation tool is installed on the CC software stack.
Getting a license
Licenses are provided by Siemens.
You will need to create a $HOME/.licenses/starccm.lic file with following contents:
and establish the ssh tunnel to the server at Siemens as shown in the submission script template further below. Also be sure to define the license env vars prior to loading the modules.
Running using the CC installation
STAR-CCM+ 12.04.011
STAR-CCM+ is only available on the CC software stack. On Niagara you must run the following module commands:
module load CCEnv module load StdEnv module load starccm/12.04.011-R8
Setting up your .star-12.04.011 directory
STAR-CCM+ version 12.04.011 will attempt to write to your $HOME/.star-12.04.011 directory. This will work when you are testing your workflow on the login nodes, because they can write to $HOME. However, recall that the compute nodes cannot write to the /home filesystem. If you attempt to run STAR-CCM+ from a compute node using the default configuration, it will fail because STAR-CCM+ cannot write to $HOME/.star-12.04.011.
The solution is to create an alternative directory called $SCRATCH/.star-12.04.011, and create a soft link from $SCRATCH/.star-12.04.011 to $HOME/.star-12.04.011:
mkdir $SCRATCH/.star-12.04.011 ln -s $SCRATCH/.star-12.04.011 $HOME/.star-12.04.011
This will fool Ansys into thinking it is writing to $HOME/.star-12.04.011, when in fact it is writing to $SCRATCH/.star-12.04.011. This command only needs to be run once, though it needs to be run for each version of STAR-CCM+ you run.
Running STAR-CCM+
Example submission script for a job running on 1 node, with max walltime of 4 hours:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=40 #SBATCH --time=4:00:00 #SBATCH --job-name test # DIRECTORY TO RUN - $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR is directory job was submitted from cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR # Setup the license server first, prior to loading the modules: ssh nia-gw -L -L -N -f export LM_PROJECT='XXXX' # your license information export CDLMD_LICENSE_FILE="1999@@" # Load the modules and take note of the STAR-CCM+ selected module load CCEnv module load StdEnv module load starccm/12.04.011-R8 # NOTE: make sure the STAR-CCM+ Ansys directory for the selected version exists prior # to submitting the script. See notes above, in particular if/when you change versions. --format STAR-CCM+ > machinefile NCORE=$((SLURM_NTASKS * SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK)) starccm+ -power -np $NCORE -podkey $LM_PROJECT -licpath $CDLMD_LICENSE_FILE -machinefile $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/machinefile -batch /path/to/your/simulation/file >> logfile.log