The Ansys engineering simulation tools are installed in both the Niagara and CC software stacks.
Getting a license
Licenses are provided by CMC Microsystems. Canadian students and faculty can register at this page.
Once you have an account, you must contact CMC and tell them you want to use the Ansys tools on Niagara, and give them your SciNet username.
Running using the Niagara installation
Ansys 19.0
Commercial modules can only be accessed using the 'module use' command.
module use /scinet/niagara/software/commercial/modules module load ansys/19.0
Programs available:
- fluent
- ansysedt
- mapdl
- ...
Setting up your .mw directory
Ansys will attempt to write to your $HOME/.mw directory. This will work when you are testing your workflow on the login nodes, because they can write to $HOME. However, recall that the compute nodes cannot write to the /home filesystem. If you attempt to run Ansys from a compute node using the default configuration, it will fail because Ansys cannot write to $HOME/.mw.
The solution is to create an alternative directory called $SCRATCH/.mw, and create a soft link from $HOME/.mw to $SCRATCH/.mw:
mkdir $SCRATCH/.mw ln -s $SCRATCH/.mw $HOME/.mw
This will fool Ansys into thinking it is writing to $HOME/.mw, when in fact it is writing to $SCRATCH/.mw. This command only needs to be run once.
Running ansys190
Example submission script for a job running on 4 nodes, with max walltime of 24 hours:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=2 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=40 #SBATCH --time=11:00:00 #SBATCH --job-name test module use /scinet/niagara/software/commercial/modules module load ansys/19.0 # DIRECTORY TO RUN - $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR is directory job was submitted from cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR machines=`srun bash -c 'hostname -s' | sort | uniq | awk '{print $1 ":" 40}' | paste -s -d ':'` ansys190 -b -j JOBNAME -ppf aa_r -dis -machines $machines -i
Running using the CC installation
Ansys 19.0
To access the CC software stack you must unload the Niagara stack.
module load CCEnv module load ansys/19.0
You can run the script given in the previous section by substituting the previous module commands with the above two.