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System Status

Niagara HPSS Mist Teach
Jupyter Hub Scheduler File system Burst Buffer
Login Nodes External Network Globus

SciNet/Niagara Downtime In Progress

SciNet/Niagara Downtime Announcement, July 13, 2020
All resources at SciNet will undergo a maintenance shutdown on Monday July 13, 2020, starting at 10:00 am EDT, for file system and scheduler upgrades. There will be no access to any of the SciNet systems (Niagara, Mist, HPSS, Teach cluster, or the file systems) during this time. We expect to be able to bring the systems back around 3 PM (EST) on the same day.

June 29, 6:21:00 PM: Systems are available again.

June 29, 12:30:00 PM: Power Outage caused thermal shutdown.

June 20, 2020, 10:24 PM: File systems are back up. Unfortunately, all running jobs would have died and users are asked to resubmit them.

June 20, 2020, 9:48 PM: An issue with the file systems is causing trouble. We are investigating the cause.

June 15, 2020, 10:30 PM: A power glitch caused some compute nodes to be rebooted: jobs running at the time may have failed; users are asked to resubmit these jobs.

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